Friday, August 22, 2008

My birthday

We had to go to hospital at 230am on Sunday, August 17, 2008 to be induced. By the time we actually got into a labor and delivery room it was closer to 4am.

They started w/ the gel. Every 2 hours I would get gelled up and wait an hour, then we'd walk around for a 1/2 hour or so, to be back in time for the next gel. Did that 3 times which is the max and it wasn't doing anything, so then they started pitocin around 10am and soon after I actually started getting some contractions. They let the moms come even though I still wasn't actually in labor. We all hung out and watched the Olympics, much to Mr. H's displeasure.

Around 2pm doc broke my water to help things along even more. Then I got the blessed epidural and we waited some more. Mr. H and the moms had fun talking about my contractions and how huge they were. Which was fine once I could no longer feel them, but not so much fun, when I could tell how huge they were.

I wanted the baby at 817 pm, but that came and went, so then I was trying for 857pm, but that also came and went. Finally I was just happy to have her anytime before midnight. I still wasn't dilated completely but they said the doc was going to come in and have me start pushing to see if that would help speed things up. I started pushing around 915pm and she was out by 928pm. That was the most awesome part of it all. Much better than the hour I had to push w/ Ry.

So, at 928pm I gave birth to my little giant, Ramsie Noelle. She weighed in at 9 lbs 15 oz and was 21 1/2 in. long. She really doesn't seem all that big to any of us, but we didn't see any other tiny babies either to compare her to.

She is beautiful and once we get this feeding thing down it will all be good.