Saturday, June 17, 2006

My little Mermaid

There are 4 different mini videos - click on the pic to watch the videos -

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Nothing much to post. Summer is here and Ry is loving the pool. She holds her breath now. She doesn't like to wear her floaties or swim vest. She does good though. She mostly sticks to the shallow end. We are always right there anyway. ("WE" being either parent or one of the "Aunts" or "Uncles")

Today she was getting real brave and trying to jump in the deep end w/o any warning. At least that got her vest on, because I told her she could only jump in the deep end by herself w/ a vest, and she put that thing on fast.

In the shallow end she will jump w/o vest and stay underwater to 'swim' back to the steps. I guess Todd taught her how to do that. :)

Here she is in her new Tink suit.