Thursday, November 17, 2005

Shhhh...don't tell the kids

but we're going to DISNEYLAND!!!!!!

Made the arrangements yesterday. We don't go til end of February. It's our Christmas from Grama Jan.

So last night I ordered this adorable Tinkerbell satiny jacket for the girl and a Disney sweatshirt for the boy - he's too old for the cutesie Disney stuff. We will wrap those up for Christmas and tell them then.

It is really only the good thing about my job - the great deals.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Terrible 2's

I really can't imagine she will be worse at age 3. I am hoping that was just the case w/ DivaPrincess' kids as I haven't heard that from many others.

She was a total stinker today. I feel like all I did was put her in time out and yell today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, and if not at least I get to go back to work on Tuesday, she is usually good for Grandma.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


We went here and Rylee painted a picture frame for her Grandmas birthday on Monday. We are going back Monday morning to a Mommy and Me class to paint a hand print turkey plate for Thanksgiving.

Why I love the weekends...

Although not as lucky as full time stay at home Moms, I am luckier than most and have 3 days off every week - Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Daddy is usually working and on the weekends her brother is here, he is usually still in bed.

On these days my girl gets up earlier than I would like, but still lucky as she doesn't usually get up until 8:30 or later. We get her up, go potty, she grabs her 'blankelet' (not a typo) thats what she calls it) and climbs in bed w/ Mommy, she watches whatever is on The Disney channel and always wants to hold my hand while we lay there. It usually only lasts for about a 1/2 hour or so before the kid wants to eat or says 'time to get up Mommy'

It's probably the best part of my weekends!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick or treat pics