Thursday, August 07, 2008


08/08/08 sure would be a great birthday. Do you hear that little girl? Come on, don't you want a cool birthdate like that? Lets get this show on the road then, shall we?!?!?!?!

Started out Wed. night w/ some light cramping that carried over into Thursday. Just feeling like crap and crampy on top of it. Hear from Diva that's how her labor started. I don't know these things as I have never gone into labor on my own, it was just forced onto me w/ Ry.

Thursday still feeling crappy and crampy and now Thursday night when I am finally relaxing (after working/supervising/watching my room get cleaned by my sister in law to make way for bassinet,) feeling some contractions. Don't go getting all excited yet, they were not consistent and didn't last, but it's a start and I still have hope that this baby could come tomorrow, if for no other reason than I want her too. Hey, I willed Ry to be a girl so I can will this baby to be born on 08/08/08 right?

Of course, Grama will miss it because she doesn't want to leave Utah until Sat. morning. Even though I begged and pleaded that she come Friday morning. :) Aw well, if I do get my way she will miss it either way so I guess it doesn't matter. Her loss. (love you Mommy) By the way, you could be here by 730 am for 192.50.........Just saying......