Monday, July 21, 2008

36 weeks

Had my 1st non stress test last Friday because I'm old. I just go to the hospital check in and register for 30 minutes, then go get hooked up to 2 monitors, 1 to listen to heartbeat and 1 to check movement. That's 30 minutes of excitement right there. LOL. BORING. Plus, apparently I didn't eat enough because Baby girl was not cooperating, but she does not perform on demand. They finally got some movements out of her after buzzing her awake through my belly. Then off to get an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid and make sure there is enough. Everything fine, so now I get to do it all over again, every Friday until I give birth. Yeah!!!

Had my regular check up today and the Physicians Assistant, says the doc has a note in the chart about possible induction at 39 weeks. I say Oh really? She told me we would just cross that bridge when we came to it, because she knows I DO NOT want to be induced. We again discussed as we do every single time this comes up that 1st baby inductions always bad but 2nd ones, much better. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I don't care what they say I am not buying it.

I go again on Monday for another ultrasound to check the size and weight again before my doc appt. so will know more then. I really don't see what the big deal is to induce me at 39 weeks which would be Aug. 10, which is a Sunday, don't see that happening, or August 11 which is no way happening as that is Ry's 1st day of school and I am not missing that NO WAY!!! I am due on the 16th, just let her be.

If she really wants to induce me, it can be on the 5th or the 8th, those are the only 2 dates that I am agreeable to. I'll let you know how that works out for me. LOL
So she checked my cervix, and there is nothing happening there, so this baby is not ready to come yet, she doesn't even have a confirmed name for Pete's sake!!!!!