Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Not spoiled, just well loved

super heroes, originally uploaded by the great kris.

Here's the kids in the SuperGIRL and BatGIRL that Uncle Phillip got for her. Just because she doesn't watch the shows doesn't mean she likes these capes any less. :)

Uncle Phillip does spoil her and I told him it needs to stop. Today she was watching her new Wiggles DVD that he brought over last night. At the end were some previews of some other DVD's and every time a new one came on, there was a shout from the playroom "Mom - Phillip needs to bring this for me!" Not all demanding like her Mother or anything, just cute, like that is what Uncle Phillip does is bring her movies. She knows all the movies he gets for her and always tells her Grandma during the week "Phillip got that movie for me."


MOVIEMAN said...

So very cute. I can't help but spoil her.

Dakini said...

That is tooo cute..... Uncle Phillip Needs to get me that movie. :P

Hey I didn't know ..I just thought if she didn't know those super heros she might not like it the way you would if you knew who they were..anyway I still think it ROCKS that she has them! Weeee for Super Heros! :P

I love your kids!