Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Great Mystery

Over the weekend Ry started rattling off our home phone number. I asked her how she knows our phone number, she just rattled it off some more.

We thought maybe her brother had taught it to her as we hadn't. I forgot all about it until she started again tonight. I asked her brother, he also has no idea how she knows it. Called Grandma, she had heard it this week too, and thought we were teaching her. Nope. She knows it is her phone number, because when we ask her "What is our phone number?" She tells us.

So tonight she is repeating it over and over again. Like Rainman. I finally asked her "Who taught you our phone number?" She rattles it off again, I say "Yes, that is our phone number, but who taught it to you?"

Her reply - "Todd" (who is Stephs boyfriend)

I said, "Todd did not teach you our phone number"

She said "Yes he did"

I said "Well, I will ask him but I don't think Todd taught you our phone number."

She just giggled and said the phone number some more.

So while Grama was reading her a bedtime story over the phone, I called Steph and of course Todd hadn't taught her our phone number, it is just funny that of all people she picked him as the one that taught her.

That only left Phillip or Mary. Phillip didn't do it and Mary is out of town, but I don't think she did either.

I guess it will be a great mystery!


Dakini said...

i think she's talking about one of the ghosts in your house. Why don't u ask her who Todd is and perhaps she will bring up someone a parent might call an imaginary friend in discription...but .... like i said, may be a ghost or otherworldly creature she knows. Willow had one at Ry's age.

I'd love to know who taught this to her as well. keep me posted.

love u

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

That was so funny when you called last night. I about dies laughing, so did Todd. As to dakini my Will had a spirit friend names Norman for the longest time when he was 2 and 3. One day he said Norman is gone, I asked where he went, he said Norman's mommy died and that it was ok for Norman to go be with her now. It was crazy, Will started talking all about the great depression and WW II, things a 3 year old would not know. So I do believe him that he had a friend from a different life!

Mrs. H said...

Ok, but why a ghost and not Todd, who she does know?

Mrs. H said...

So we asked her at dinner, Phillip and I. She said Todd was at the park at her party. Unless, the ghost followed us there, she is talking about Todd. I think she only came up w/ Todd in the first place becuse I asked her "taught" her the phone number. Taught sounds alot like Todd. :)

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

That is so funny. I think it made Todd pretty happy that the princess remembers his name. We gt such a kick out of that little girl :-)

MOVIEMAN said...

Picture a 3 year old girl that can spout her phone number out at will. She knows the number, yet was never taught it. When you meet this girl and she tells you her phone number, you'll know that you've just stepped into, The Twilight Zone.