Saturday, February 04, 2006


My daughter isn't even a teenager, and already has broken my heart w/ her words.

This last Wednesday, when I was sick, but she was better, she wanted a hotdog. I told her she couldn't because she had been sick, and we needed to wait a little longer before hotdogs. I just knew I couldn't clean up hotdog vomit, in between my own puking.

She then ran out of the bathroom, down the hall, yelling " I don't love you anymore!"

Me, yelling from the bathroom, "How could you say such a horrible thing to your Mommy?"

Her from the living room, "cuz I'm upset!"

She isn't even 3!


Dakini said...

awe, oh man....:(

Amazing the things they understand at such a young age, the feelings, words and convictions..

all for a hotdog, kids are amazing!

MOVIEMAN said...

That's so cute. ADORABLE.

Hence the show, "Kids say the darndest things."

LoveTheDivaPrincess said...

I will never forget the first time one of my kids said that, it was Kenny and it hurt. You kno she does love you though!!! I love you too!!!