Thursday, November 27, 2008

Zoo Lights and Turkey day pics

1st major injury

Ry got her fingers smashed in the door on Wednesday. She was peeking out her classroom door and another kid tried to shut it, and when it wouldn't shut becasue Ry's fingers were in it she just kept pushing on door trying to shut it. My poor baby. The nurse called me at work and thought it was broken. Took her to urgent care and luckily, it is just bruised.
Here she is w/ her little digits wrapped up.

Monday, November 24, 2008

For Grama

Since she can't see cell phone pics w/ her old eyes and can't bother to check her email for pics of her girls.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Happy Birthday Lex!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day sweet boy!!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

My baby is growing up

Today Ry decided she did want to get her ears pierced. We have been talking about it for awhile now, so off we went to Claires. She was a little nervous, but did ok until they actually did it and then she burst into tears and said "You're a liar Mommy, it did hurt!"

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Night

First we went to the Fall Festival at the school.

We hung out with friends...

Threw whip cream pies at the Principal... Got face paint and tattoos...
Catwoman vs. Anikan Skywalker... Ramsie thouroughly enjoying the festivities...

After the Fall Festival we went up the street to a church and did some Trunk or Treating. Came home and met up w/ more people, ate some Mr. H special burgers and then did the rounds of the neighborhood.

and finally, we have the crash after the sugar high....
For some reason Halloween just wasn't the same this year, hopefully next year will be back to normal.