Friday, October 31, 2008


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today we had family pics taken, here are the girls once we got home, mainly so you could see the adorable shoes on Ramsie.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting ready for Pumpkin Patch

Here are the girls ready to go to the Pumpkin Patch today, more pics on my blog....

Friday, October 24, 2008

My little rockstar

In her new Hannah Montana shiny pink motorcycle jacket and new Hannah shoes.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's funny, because it wasn't me...

We took the kids to the Zoo while Grama was here to see the Stingrays that are back for the Winter. Grama hung with Ramsie while we checked out the Stingrays.

Then Grama went with Ry to check them out and as soon as she did one came up and splashed them both, right in the face. It was HILARIOUS! Again, because it wasn't me, it has happened to me before though, and by the looks of it, Ry finds it pretty funny too.

Carousel fun....

Sleepy baby in her sun hat...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just another reason why girls rule and boys drool....

So much cute stuff for baby girls.... Like leg warmers!! They are like totally so awesome!

She is so tired, we've been working on her Flashdance routine.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

3rd baby tooth gone

and my baby now looks like a little Jack-O-Lantern....

This one came out tonight while eating a fruit rollup.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

My BIG girl

Gets to walk to the crosswalk all by herself now to meet us. Normally they don't let kindergartners do that, so I had to go to the principal to get permission. It makes it much easier w/ the baby to not have to try and find parking to meet her in front of the school w/ everyone else.

Can you tell she's just a little excited about this?

Monday, October 06, 2008

My happy girl at 7 weeks 1 day

We just know that Grama is going to be so excited to see Ramsie with her big smiles she does all the time now....

Sunday, October 05, 2008

For Oni

Ry drew this the other night, I almost cried. Not the best picture quality but hopefully you get the idea, my scanner not working properly. If you click on the pics you can see them a little better. The first pic is of Oni (with X's for eyes,because he's dead I was told) and Heaven and an ant on the bottom of the page. LOL The 2nd pic, I had to help her spell some of the words, but that is what she wanted to write. I am going to display it by his ashes.