today is the baby shower. My mommy and steph are here. It is wonderful. Mr h is going to finish priming the walls of the girls room today so we can get the purple and tink green done this week.
Tuesday I have another ultrasound to check the size of baby girl. Thursday I am getting a maternity massage. That will be nice.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Posted by Mrs. H at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ramsie
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tooth Fairy
Posted by Mrs. H at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Labels: Rylee
Time Flies
I cannot believe how quick it is coming. I go to doc again on the 1st as well as to get an ultrasound to check the size of baby girl who has no name. Daddy is at some geeky Anime convention tonight and I told him he had to give me an hour of time to go through names and try and pick one. I have to let him think he has some say, even though anything he loves, I hate, so we will never go w/ something I hate. He on the other hand, will probably just get sick and tired of the whole thing and agree to whatever, just to not have to talk about it anymore.
This week we have to get Ry's ceiling patched up in some spots, and most of her furniture moved out, probably to toyroom, so we can start painting on Saturday. As of right now, we are going w/ purple walls and some kind of tink like green for trim and maybe ceiling too. Found the most awesome ceiling fan at Wal-Mart but it is 100.00 and so not in the budget. Of course, Uncle Phillip does like to spend money on overpriced things so maybe he could get one. We already have most of the other stuff for the room, wallpaper border, tink stickers and murals, fabric for Grama to make crib set and blankets for both girls. Just need some pixie dust for the walls and maybe some glow in the dark stars for the ceiling.
I need to get my room cleaned up as well so we can even fit the bassinet in there by my side of the bed. Wating for new car seat and stroller to be delivered to Wal-Mart and matching diaper bag. I love them and can't wait.
Then on Sunday we have the girls only baby shower, sorry P Dukey, but don't worry you can still shower us w/ gifts like you do anyway, you don't need an actual baby shower for that.
Posted by Mrs. H at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ramsie
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Think I'm going to cry....
Update -
ended up pulling the tooth. It was quite the production, from fingers, to pliers, to string tied to the door, then back to pliers, back to fingers to finally only wanting Mommys help and tying the string to the door and she slammed it herself (after about 5 minutes of just standing there not daring to slam the door) She must be my daughter as my Mom had to pull all my baby teeth while I slept because I wouldn't let her do it while I was awake.
1st attempt with the string
The string on the door again, and "are you sure it isn't going to hurt Mommy?"
Posted by Mrs. H at 9:42 PM 3 comments
Labels: Rylee
Monday, June 09, 2008
69 dude...
I just signed up to tour the hospital and signed Ry up for a Sibling Adjustment class.
Sibling Adjustment Class The class is for children ages 3-10. It covers adjusting to a new baby in the family, interacting with the baby, feelings, holding the baby and a trip to the nursery. An adult must attend and the children receive a t-shirt that is included in the cost of the class. Mom must be delivering at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center.
I know I am very insistent that I do not want to be induced, but on the other hand, I do not want to end up having a c-section because baby girl is huge. Such a dilemma! I am already so huge and still have 2 months to go. Check out the fuzzy cell phone pic taken by Ry today.....

Posted by Mrs. H at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ramsie
Ry decided she wanted to take a break for the summer and not do karate or cheer. I was bummed, but we aren't going to force her to do anything.
Her summer program is at her old pre-school, it is only for the month of June, and it is from 9am - noon. She is having so much fun. They all help make the snack every day, and get some type of toy prize every day.
We have been swimming almost every day. When I say we, I mean she goes in pool, and I might dip my feet in while I watch her.
She loves the new puppy and likes to have Zoey with her when she watches TV in our room.
Posted by Mrs. H at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Rylee