Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Poor little thing....

When her brother goes to the neighbors behind us to play and jump on the trampoline, she justs hangs out on her Jungle Gym and watches them.
(You must click on the last picture to see her being all angry at me)

Monday, January 28, 2008


We told the kids about the baby tonight. I showed Ry the ultrasound pic and told her it was her new baby brother or sister. "SISTER!" she said. I said we don't know yet, it's just her baby brother OR sister. "SISTER!" she shouted again. I explained again that we didn't know and it was up to God if we got a brother or sister. Later on at bedtime she told me she has talked to God 3 times already tonight asking for a sister.

She is too funny, last time we talked about having a baby she wanted a brother, and I am sure she will change her mind many more times before this baby comes.

Baby Update

Everything is measuring on schedule and looks wonderful! Got to see the little bean flopping around and the most wonderful heartbeat. We will probably tell the kids tonight when Mr. H gets home from work.

I am thrilled, but will still most likely be a nervous wreck until I give birth to this wonderful baby!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Still Nervous

Another doc appt tomorrow morning. Hoping everything is still fine. I sent my blood in the other day for the Ultrascreen. The paperwork said I could get results that day if blood was sent in ahead of time, so I did.

That's about all, I corrected my ticker to match the date they keep telling me, which is August 16. I want it to be a week later on my Moms birthday, but I guess it isn't all about what I want in this case.


Ry started Karate this last Friday - here she is in her Gi. She loved it and the Sensai held her attention the whole time, he's good.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I am going to the doc again in about an hour. I am so scared and nervous that there won't be a heartbeat this week. I know rationally I am probably just being paranoid, but I am nervous anyway.

Mr. H is taking a long lunch to go with me. His new boss is pretty cool like that. He has explained to him about the last time and his boss is being very understanding and cool. Big change from his last dick weed employer that fired him. Stupid California Overnight - you suck - don't ever ship a package w/ them! LOL!

Never got a call about the 3 hour glucose test, so I am assuming everything was ok, or she's just waiting to tell me in person.

I will update after the appt.

OK, so everything went fine at the doc. Still a heartbeat. My 3 hour glucose was fine, so I'll just have to repeat the 3 hour test at 26 weeks, which is when it is usually done anyway.

I have my appt for the Ultrascreen, which is a 1st trimester screen for Downs Syndrome. It is non invasive, a blood test that I'll stick myself at home and then an ultrasound.

I talked to the doc about waiting until 12 weeks to tell the kids and others, she said at 8 weeks w/ a heartbeat the chances of miscarriage go down to about 5%, so she'd consider it safe now to tell, but I go again in 2 weeks, so we'll wait until then.

It is measuring at about 9 weeks, and my calculations are at 8 weeks 2 days according to my ticker. I went with the due date on the ticker to be my Mommy's birthday though and the birth date the doc is giving is 6 days earlier.

We will most likely find out the sex when the time comes. I am still reluctant as I would love to be surprised again, but since it is sharing a room w/ Ry no matter what, it will make it easier to get her room ready.

Oh, and I lost a pound, and it certainly wasn't for lack of eating.

Friday, January 04, 2008


Just got the call that I have to go in Monday for the 3 hour glucose testing. Gross! My original test was at 136 which from what I have gathered online is ok. Over 140 it says should do the 3 hour test, but I am a fat ass and don't want anything to go wrong this time, so I'll gladly do it. Ok, maybe not gladly, that stuff is nasty and makes me want to vomit, but I'll do it.

All my other bloodwork was fine - whatever it all was for.