Sunday, December 30, 2007

1st pic

Here is the first ultrasound pic from Thurdays appointment. Measuring at 6 weeks 1 day. Saw the wonderful flicker of the heartbeat. I go back in 2 weeks and again 2 weeks after that. So far so good.


Christmas was great. Ry got pretty much everything she wanted and then some. She says her favorite is the moon sand, although she still doesn't have the inflatable sandbox. So glad the 3.99 tub of Moon Sand was her favorite. :)

She still has a bunch left that has been put up for her birthday.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Big Sister

Today Ry was asking when were going to have another baby... I just told her someday. We aren't telling the kids yet, or many people for that matter.

We did work on clearing out her toy room a little more and putting stuff away for a baby in the future. She really wants to be a big sister and help the baby with stuff, and play, and read books. She can be such a sweet girl at times.

So, I am nauseous all the time these last few days, but haven't actually yacked yet. Heartburn all the time. Good times, but I know it is all worth it, and as long as I am sick there is a baby in there.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I really just want to chop my head off right now. I am so stuffy and miserable. I am leaving work in about an hour after a meeting and I am not coming in tomorrow at all. I may, (GASP) have to work a whole day on Friday so I must rest up for the occasion. LOL!

I am tired and can't wait to see my bed.

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's official

Here are the results from the 3rd test that I took this morning. I called the doc and set up 1st appointment for Dec. 27. She is seeing me sooner because of the miscarriage in June.

According to due date calculators online, the baby is due August 16, 2008, however I am on 5 week cycle so another website says August 23, 2008, which I like better as that is my Mommys birthday.

Although I said I wasn't telling anyone if I did get pregnant again, I am keeping it to those closest to me. Plus, 2 out of 3 that read this already know anyway. We won't tell the kids until later on.

Just hoping and praying all goes well this time around.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

It's only a little pink

Well, I was hoping I was pregnant, but figured it was just wishful thinking, but I took a test today and although the 2nd line only a little pink, it is positive. I will get another and retest in the morning to make sure.

We are excited and scared. Hopefully everything will be fine w/ this one. After I test again I will call my doc as she will see me much sooner than the normal 10 weeks because of the miscarriage.

Will keep this updated.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rylee wins!

This is from July when we first got the Wii. I could never get it on here to share until now. Couldn't even get it on you tube. Enjoy....

Easy Online Video Editing and Video Sharing

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pics from the fieldtrip

The fieldtrip was AWESOME!!! They took the kids up in the ladder bucket. Here's some pics! Halloween tomorrow - yippee. Will post pics of that later.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

1st Fieldtrip

Tomorrow is Ry's first fieldtrip. They are going to the nearby fire station to check out the hot firemen. Oh! Sorry, that will be me. They will be learning important fire safety stuff I am sure.

Then on Saturday is her schools Good Neighbor Fair or whatever it is called. Not a Halloween party of course, it's a Christian church. There are fireworks and games and stuff though.

Sunday we may drive up to Sedona to see Grama Jan who will be there w/ her husband and his parents. If not, we will see Grama anyway when she comes down for Halloween. Then we'll see Grama again for a whole week around Thanksgiving.

It was school picture day today, so I will post those when we get them back.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Power Rangers

Today we went to see the Power Rangers. They are on tour right now. LOL. It was in a Wal-Mart parking lot and totally free so it was awesome for this broke family.

They had one of those money blowing games where the kids try to grab as much money as they can. The kids both won in thier age group so they each got a Power Ranger toy, so Ry actually got 2, because her brother is so nice.

She got to meet the Red Ranger and the Black Ranger and she had lots of fun.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I said it wouldn't happen, but.....

I am actually taking my sweet daughter to Utah. My mom is retiring and my Grandma on my Dads side is also in town at the same time. It works out well. I am excited and happy to see my Grandma and have Rylee meet her. Not so much about going to my moms. Oh, I'm happy she is retiring of course, more time for her to be here. I am just not excited to go to her house. I tried to get out of it, I tried to get us to stay at hotel, but she wasn't going for it. I am hoping it will all be ok, as long as those people stay away liek they are supposed to. Ry will get to ride on the quads and a horse so she is thrilled.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Nothing much

My Grama Jan is coming tonight for a whole week!!!! Maybe I'll be nice to her this time to keep her guessing.

Mommy says if I am good, I get to stay up late and go to airport to pick her up.

She'll share my room w/ me, so I'll get to sleep in the big air bed w/ her, it's FUN!!!

Mommy has been talking about painting my room. Guess she is as sick of Curious George as I am - FINALLY!!!!! She says we can paint and I can pick out more super hero posters if I want to hang on the wall. I already have Wonder Woman, it's cool!!

I started swimming lessons on Monday w/ my cousin and 1 of my friends. My teacher is my preschool teacher so it's lots of fun. I already know how to swim, well enough to get around anyway. I can even dive to the bottom of the deep end, it hurts my ears though. It's really gonna freak out my Grama Jan when she sees me do that.

OK, I love you BYE!!!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's been awhile

Well, it's been awhile since I last updated. Ry's turtle died. It was very sad and she still talks about missing 'Shelly'. She has a new pet though, a pretty little Beta fish from her bud Kenny as he couldn't move it w/ him to Florida.

School and soccer are both over and now the summer is here. We'll probably do swim lessons at home w/ one of her pre-school teachers. She already swims pretty well, but maybe she can learn some better technique.

Ry is very excited to be a big sister! She argues with me that it is her baby. She started off wanting a little brother like Kenny, but now says she wants a little sister.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

2 things

I finally broke down and chopped about 4 inches off Ry's hair.....

She also got her first pet today, a red slider she has named Shelly.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

All about my Daddy

This past Saturday was Daddy day at Ry's school. The teachers had all the kids fill in the blanks to talk about the Daddys. Here is Ry's.

My Daddy is the best Daddy in the world because:

My Daddy works at Dad's work saying hi to Uncle Rob.

My daddys favorite food is sandwichs.

My daddy and I always play UNO Spin together.

My daddy is 5 Years old.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I'm going to Disneyland


We're going to Disneyland again for Ry's birthday. My travel agent special is way to good of a deal to pass up when it comes around. Luckily Grama agrees, so she pays for it and we all have a great time. We should have our income tax return by then, so like last time we can not worry about money while there.

I'm so excited. We'll be in Disneyland on her birthday, so I have to check into this....

"My Disneyland Birthday Party" at the Plaza Inn, Featuring a Guest Appearance by Mickey and Minnie - Spend your birthday with laughter and music, fun-filled cake decorating, plus a special guest appearance by Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Saturday, January 20, 2007

3 year old soccer

Ry had her first game on January 6, it was actually 2 back to back games. 3 year old soccer is hilarious! Her 1st goal scored, me and some other parents were behind the goal to direct our team to the right goal, and when we all cheered for her after the goal she froze and didn't move until I told her it was ok to go ahead and keep playing. Her 2nd goal I missed somehow, but Daddy says another girl on her team was hanging onto her and she just drug her along w/ her to score the goal. I have no idea what the final scores were for either game, they don't really keep track. I know our team got creamed in the first game though.

Here are some pics!