Tuesday, January 31, 2006

All better

My baby is mostly better, wants to run around and be a crazy kid like normal. We took her to the park today since she was feeling better. I am still staying home w/ her tomorrow, just because I can. I already have the day off anyway, and I love to hang w/ her by myself.

Monday, January 30, 2006

My baby is sick

No fun times at the park for us today. Puking started at 3am, and hasnt stopped.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Countdown to Disneyland!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Birthday stuff

Got a park reserved for Ry's birthday party. Decided to have it in a park, instead of our house this time. There are 23 kids, not counting my own, and that is mostly family, so it's not like I can even cut anybody from the list. Not counting the adults to go along w/ the kids and the few adults w/o kids, that's alot of people. We've done it the past 2 years, but I decided the park would be so much easier. It's a cool park too!

Sesame Street theme is what she picked out on Monday!

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Spidey girl

spidey1, originally uploaded by the great kris.

This is what greeted me at the door when I got home tonight. 1 of 3 things that Uncle Phillip brought over tonight. The muscles are too cute and the eyes and chest light up too.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Not spoiled, just well loved

super heroes, originally uploaded by the great kris.

Here's the kids in the SuperGIRL and BatGIRL that Uncle Phillip got for her. Just because she doesn't watch the shows doesn't mean she likes these capes any less. :)

Uncle Phillip does spoil her and I told him it needs to stop. Today she was watching her new Wiggles DVD that he brought over last night. At the end were some previews of some other DVD's and every time a new one came on, there was a shout from the playroom "Mom - Phillip needs to bring this for me!" Not all demanding like her Mother or anything, just cute, like that is what Uncle Phillip does is bring her movies. She knows all the movies he gets for her and always tells her Grandma during the week "Phillip got that movie for me."

Monday, January 09, 2006


We tried to go see a movie the other day. Our first attempt since infancy w/ the little girl. We were hoping watching the big screen would hold her attention.

It did, for all of about 10 minutes. She sat through the previews fine, there was a short movie, w/ the penguins from Madagascar. The credits rolled for that and she thought it was time to go.

She then lasted about 5 minutes into Wallace and Gromit, then announced VERY loudly it was time to go.

Luckily it was the cheap theater and we only paid 2.50 each to get in. Even better, they gave us a full refund.

Friday, January 06, 2006

My best friend

When you ask her who her best friend is, she says "mommy's my best friend"

Although, Mr. H thinks I have her brain washed, I don't - just coached a little, and I got her to say daddy was a best friend too so he wouldn't feel left out.

She was being especially kissy this day that Grama took the photo.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Got a lot of cool stuff from Santa. Grama is taking us to Disneyland. Had a fun New Year staying up real late and playing w/ a cute 3 year old boy.