Saturday, December 17, 2005

Check out this tub....

This is the bathtub in the hotel we stayed last weekend in Tucson!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Christmas is coming...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Shhhh...don't tell the kids

but we're going to DISNEYLAND!!!!!!

Made the arrangements yesterday. We don't go til end of February. It's our Christmas from Grama Jan.

So last night I ordered this adorable Tinkerbell satiny jacket for the girl and a Disney sweatshirt for the boy - he's too old for the cutesie Disney stuff. We will wrap those up for Christmas and tell them then.

It is really only the good thing about my job - the great deals.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Terrible 2's

I really can't imagine she will be worse at age 3. I am hoping that was just the case w/ DivaPrincess' kids as I haven't heard that from many others.

She was a total stinker today. I feel like all I did was put her in time out and yell today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, and if not at least I get to go back to work on Tuesday, she is usually good for Grandma.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


We went here and Rylee painted a picture frame for her Grandmas birthday on Monday. We are going back Monday morning to a Mommy and Me class to paint a hand print turkey plate for Thanksgiving.

Why I love the weekends...

Although not as lucky as full time stay at home Moms, I am luckier than most and have 3 days off every week - Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Daddy is usually working and on the weekends her brother is here, he is usually still in bed.

On these days my girl gets up earlier than I would like, but still lucky as she doesn't usually get up until 8:30 or later. We get her up, go potty, she grabs her 'blankelet' (not a typo) thats what she calls it) and climbs in bed w/ Mommy, she watches whatever is on The Disney channel and always wants to hold my hand while we lay there. It usually only lasts for about a 1/2 hour or so before the kid wants to eat or says 'time to get up Mommy'

It's probably the best part of my weekends!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick or treat pics

Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat...

or "I want some candy!" as was heard more often. Tinkerbell was so cute. Luckily there were no other girls Trick or Treating w/ us only 6 boys. No girls for my little girl to outshine! :) Kidding - kind of.

She really enjoyed herself and the boys were so good w/ her helping her up to the houses.

I will post some pics tomorrow...maybe.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

nothing much

Little girl is sniffly and has been coughing some today. Cancelled out on the Mom's group Halloween party tomorrow. Sure hope she is better for Trick or Treating Monday night - when normal towns Trick or Treat. :)

We are all set w/ costumes. The kids are good to go. I am just a silly witch, not much different than any other day, but on Halloween I'll even wear the hat. Don't know what Mr. H is doing, he likes to wait til the last minute on stuff. The Boo (when Boo dresses as the monster in Monsters Inc.) costume is not getting done. That's some wasted money, but she is not co-operating on wearing what we have done so far, so we aren't continuing w/ it. I am making her a pretty sparkly bag to hold her candy in, got the stuff tonight and will probably get that done tomorrow night.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I sent you all the link to see all the pics. We had these done at Sears on Sunday.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A whole month has gone by

I haven't posted anything in a month. My daughter is great, she is 2 1/2 and I hope to GOD that it really doesn't get worse when she turns 3. She is a sweet, silly, dancing goofball, but man can she throw a fit, and everything else that she can get her hands on.

She knows the whole alphabet, and can mostly count to 20. She knows most parts of "You are my sunshine" - it is the only song she will let me sing. Anything else I try to sing, she says, loudly "No! Mommy - don't sing!"

She is getting the tough love treatment right now in the breaking of her pacifier use. She only uses it for naps and bedtime, but today I cut her off cold turkey! Naptime, was non existent. From 1:00PM to 6:00PM she alternated, between crying, talking to herself, and destroying her room. She never did get a nap. Tonight she cried out a whole lot more but still was aslwwp faster than she usually is, due to not having a nap today I am sure. Myself and/or Mr. H are off for the next 4 days, so I thought it was a good time as any to try and get her habit kicked before Grandma watches her Wednesday. Wish us luck. If I ever have another - I am going to try to not even use a stinkin pacifier! Dang hospital getting her all hooked on it at birth!

Stupid dance studio I called won't take her before she's 3 and didn't have any recommendations on who might.

This is what she will be for Halloween.......

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New do!

Can't believe she actually sat still long enough for me to do this tonight.....

Hangin' with Daddy

This was the fun that happened today while I was sleeping....

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Weird things people search for

Checking on the stats, this blog has had some people come here by the things they are searching for.....

  1. From Florida "girl passed out"
  2. From Ohio "kiss her feet if"
  3. From Georgia "girl passed out"
  4. From Asia "kiss her feet"
  5. From Washington DC "little girl wearing floaties" this person actually stayed on the blog for 5 1/2 minutes.

I guess the people looking for kiss my feet and girl passed out weren't interested. Pervs!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Budding artist

Budding artist, originally uploaded by the great kris.

The new easel we got at IKEA yesterday. Has a chalkboard on one side, a white board on the other, a bar in the middle to hold her roll of paper and a tray for supplies. She loves it!

sleepy time

sleepy time, originally uploaded by the great kris.

She has taken to 'reading' before bedtime.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My first Docs

See my new boots? They are fun to dance around and stomp in. Then I need to take a rest!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Going shopping

Yesterday at work, one of my co workers said he had a 50.00 Gap gift card he never used. I jokingly said "You should give that to me then and I can get my daughter some cute clothes"

Next thing I know it comes sailing over my cubicle wall and he goes "here you go, I'm never gonna use it" He is my new best friend.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pee pee in the potty

She finally is wanting to go potty. Won't use her potty seat that I just had to have. The Royal Throne. What a waste. She uses her little squishy seat insert that has rubber duckies on it to match the bathroom.

She went 4 times today. I got a little book and some stickers and she gets to put a sticker on the page for the day everytime she goes. We still aren't to the point where she will actually tell me she needs to go, but we'll get there.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Passed out

Passed out, originally uploaded by the great kris.

For the last 2 nights in a row, she has been put to bed in her bed like normal, but when I check on her before I go to bed there she is asleep on the floor surrounded by whatever she has gotten into.

The 1st pic is the view from the doorway, and the 2nd one is just a more up close shot of my girl.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Feeding deer at the deer farm

Whole family at the Grand Canyon

Chucking rocks in the lake

Taylor and Rylee at the lake

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Kiss my feet

Every night as we tuck Rylee into bed, my husband is required to kiss her feet. If he doesn't do this, she will yell out "kiss my feet" as we are halfway down the hall.

Tonight, it was "kiss my feet" then "kiss my toes". I keep telling him if he keeps it up he'll be kissing her feet when she is 15 years old.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Can we say SPOILED?!?!?!

Uncle Phillip came over the other night. He had been to the Disney store and couldn't resist spending money he shouldn't be spending on my girl. All stuff she couldn't live without of course. A Stitch bubble blower, an Incredibles toy cell phone, a small stuffed Eeyore and a Heffalump too.

After he had removed all items from the bag, she proceeds to pull the trash out of the bag to see what else is in there. Funny girl. He thinks he needs to spoil her now while she is young, because when she is a teenager, she won't care if he comes over. I tell him that is not true, as often as he buys stuff for her, she will get used to it, and still want all the gifts when she is a teenager.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Saying hello to some friends

Dad and Ry

Dad and Ry
Originally uploaded by the great kris.

Have been thinking I don't have many pics of Daddy and his little girl. This was taken last night while watching some "messme street" as Rylee calls it.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Rylee and Uncle Clown shoes

Every time Uncle Phillip comes over Rylee makes him take his shoes and socks off and put them on her. Of course, he can't say no to her, so she is always wearing his stinky socks and shoes. Ok, they don't really stink.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Uncle Clown shoes 2

Uncle Clown shoes 2
Originally uploaded by the great kris.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

happy about the new floaties

happy about the new floaties
Originally uploaded by the great kris.

We never got out of our jammies today. Maybe tomorrow we will try out the new pool floaties. Gotta love the dollar store!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Dancing shoes

Dancing shoes, originally uploaded by the great kris.

Lately every pair of shoes have been "dancing shoes" to my girl. I bought her these the other night, so she could have some real dancing shoes.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Strike a pose.....

DSCN2082, originally uploaded by the great kris.

had to take a picture today to send Grama and thought I would share...

Kids at the zoo

Kids at the zoo, originally uploaded by the great kris.

This was taken last week at the zoo

Saturday, June 11, 2005


The blanket
Originally uploaded by the great kris.

The sweetest word I have ever heard.

This is a picture of my darling with a blanket that is more than 30 some years old. It was one of my baby blankets, and the only one she will sleep with really.

The satiny binding on the edges is getting tattered. Grama is going to fix it next month when she is here for a visit....